How I Healed PTSD Naturally

Inspiring people by sharing my story.

How I Healed PTSD Naturally

Inspiring people by sharing my story.

2014-03-20 11.38.24

Writing about My Struggles and Victories Over PTSD

Hello! I am Robert Serocki Jr., Entrepreneur, Author, Veteran, and PTSD Survivor. My goal is to inspire people by sharing my story through my books, videos and various other mediums.

My Experience

I used to have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Back then, I felt like a drugged-up zombie in a wheelchair.  I thought there was no way I could live my life like that. I decided to get off all seven of my medications and began my journey to healing. 

My Journey to Healing

It took me years to heal myself in healthy, natural ways. I am proud to say that I got back on my feet—literally, because I’ve been out of my wheelchair for years, but also metaphorically, because I am now completely medication-free! I share this very personal journey through my books, TV and Radio interviews, My Youtube Channel, and Various articles written about me.


Tribune Interview

Mesa Tribune Interview

Casa Grande Dispatch Interview

Robert's YouTube Channel


Robert's TV Interview

Robert’s 23rd Veteran Podcasts

Got a Message For Me?

Reach out to me today for any questions about my books, videos, podcasts or interviews.

If you would like to interview me, please send me a message. I would be more than happy to discuss that with you.

Thank you.